Fellowship program


Festa established Aðildi - fellowship program in 2021. Being selected as a Fellow at Festa includes recognition for work, ingenuity and belief that the person will take action in the field of sustainability. Members get the opportunity to learn quickly and communicate with leading actors in Icelandic society in the field of sustainability and social responsibility.

Á ár­inu 2022 taka níu há­skóla­nem­ar þátt í Að­ildi sem unn­ið er í sam­starfi við Öss­ur

Aðildi 2022

    Ragnheiður SigurgeirsdóttirMatthildur María RafnsdóttirKristófer AndersenThórunn GuðmundsdóttirMargrét Edda MagnúsdóttirLára PortalBirgitta ÁsbjörnsdóttirNína María MagnúsdóttirHrefna Guðmundsdóttir

About Membership

The world is changing rapidly in times of the fourth industrial revolution, pandemics, global warming and other sustainability challenges. This is accompanied by hugely exciting opportunities in the field of innovation and business operations, no less than challenges that require a strong, forward-looking and creative ingenuity that does not call all of its grandmother and unhesitatingly connects sectors and specialties in order to sense the spirit of the times as best as possible and find solutions to the challenges.

Í upphafi árs 2021 setti Festa á laggirnar Aðildi – fellowship prógram sem felur í sér aðild að Festu í eitt ár. Markmiðið er að læra af leiðandi fyrirtækjum og stofnunum á sviði sjálfbærni og samfélagsábyrgðar í íslensku atvinnulífi og nýta þekkinguna í verkefnum í námi.

In the year 2022, Aðildi is a joint project between Festa and Össur, but Össur is a leading international company in the field of health technology and was a founding member of Festa in 2011. Össur has worked systematically on sustainability and environmental issues ever since and reached the milestone of becoming carbon neutral in 2021

In the year 2022, there are 9 university students participating in the Aðilda group. These are students who are passionate about sustainability and the circular economy, questioning critically, philosophically and with a mission for development in today's world.

Hvað er fellowship?

Festa established Aðildi - Fellowship in 2021. Being selected as a Membership at Festa means recognition for work, ingenuity or belief that the person will take action in the field of sustainability. Members get the opportunity to learn quickly and communicate with leading actors in Icelandic society in the field of sustainability and social responsibility.

Get a membership

    Access to all Festa's information and networking meetings, which are only for member organizations and up to 8 in number throughout the year. At networking meetings, we visit companies in Iceland that are leaders in the field of sustainability and social responsibility, examine their journey and share solutions, ideas and new knowledge.

    Access to Festa's January conference, workshops, courses and other events at member prices.

    During this 12-month period, Össur also guides Members through a special mentorship program, where Members are invited to Össur's headquarters in Iceland and familiarize themselves with the activities. Össur organizes four meetings/events for the Membership with leading managers and experts at Össur, where product development, work and development in the international market, the implementation of sustainability policies, goals and information in operations, the leadership role of companies and individuals - all in the context of a rapidly changing world and the growing emphasis on sustainability and the circular economy.

    A unique journey that deepens knowledge and expands the toolbox in the fields of sustainability, social responsibility, innovation, global development and the circular economy.

    A unique insight into the interaction between the public sector and the private sector when it comes to the development of business life on this level. An advantage in a world where expectations for social responsibility and sustainability, business and investment opportunities related to them are growing rapidly. An opportunity to learn from the main experts in Iceland and abroad.

    Certificate at the end of the period confirming active participation in the project.

  • Festa kynnir ný Aðildi á árlegri Janúarráðstefnu, sem er fjölsóttasta sjálfbærniráðstefnan á Íslandi.

  • Allt þetta, að kostnaðarlausu

Aðildi gefa

    Full attention to the membership over a 12-month period. Use the connections and knowledge created during the period in a project in your studies and share with Festa's community as appropriate. Submit a short report at the end of the period on the main lessons learned from the project.

How can I become a Member?

    Wrote a text where you tell us why you dream of being a Member and what you have to contribute to move us faster towards sustainable innovation, mindset change, strategic planning and sustainable operations. Write concisely and no more than 500 words.


  • Tekið verður við umsóknum fyrir árið 2022 frá og með 26.nóvember og lýkur umsóknarfresti á miðnætti 7. janúar 2022.
  • Tilkynnt verður formlega hverjir verða Aðildi 2022 á Janúarráðstefnu Festu 2022
  • Til að sækja um sendir þú email á festa@samfelagsabyrgd.is og skýrir póstinn “Umsókn um Aðildi 2022″

Hverjir geta sótt um?

    University students at BA/BS, master's or doctoral level. We are looking for powerful individuals who think deeply, from a philosophical, critical and ethical perspective about the development in Iceland and in the world towards sustainability in operations, thinking and policy making.

Sækja um

Membership 2022 is a joint project between Festa and Össur

Aðildi Festu 2021 voru:

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