
For a long time, the steps that have been taken in favor of the environment at the business level have mostly been linked to the challenges of climate change. However, the focus on the protection of biological diversity is increasing, as the protection of the biosphere is one of the most urgent challenges facing humanity.

In October 2023, Festa published a biodiversity roadmap to support the Icelandic economy in tackling this important task. The guide can be accessed at the link below.


Hafa ber í huga að málaflokkurinn er bæði viðamikill og flókinn og er vegvísirinn aðeins yfirlit og samantekt á efni sem nú þegar er til. Vegvísirinn er ekki tæmandi yfirlit.

It reports on what biodiversity is, what the situation is in Iceland, what standards, laws, rules and agreements exist on the issue and what steps companies can take and thus follow the international trend of companies that incorporate the decline of biodiversity into their business risk assessment.

Experts from many parts of the academic community and the business world were brought in to participate in its preparation, and we thank them for that.

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