
Verkefni Festu eru flokkuð eftir þremur stoðum sjálfbærs reksturs: jörð, fólk og hagsæld.

Some of the projects relate to more than one pillar, as these three pillars support each other and are connected in many ways.


Festa's projects are classified according to the three pillars of sustainable operation: earth, people and prosperity.

Some of the projects relate to more than one pillar, as these three pillars support each other and are connected in many ways.

Good management practices, transparency and sound operations. Economic prosperity is an important pillar of sustainability, but the resilience and endurance of companies and institutions also depends on how well they understand the challenges and risks associated with the other pillars of sustainability: the earth and people.

Sjálfbær rekstur laðar að sér hæft starfsfólk, lágmarkar sóun og skilar til baka í samfélagið.

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