
Línu­leg hag­kerfi og við­skipta­mód­el þeim tengd­um eru að fær­ast yf­ir í hringrás­ar­hag­kerfi.

Með hringrásarhagkerfinu hönnum við í burtu sóun og úrgang, tekið er tillit til alls líftíma vörunar og/eða þjónustunnar.

Let's move away from producing and providing services in a linear model and move to a cycle where repair, reuse, remanufacturing and recycling are considered.

    The Ellen Macarthur foundation's educational center is one of the leaders in the world when it comes to conducting research and publishing educational material about the circular economy.

    What is the circular economy? Here, The Ellen Macarthur Foundation answers it in words and pictures.

Festa plays the role of connecting Icelandic parties when it comes to the Nordic circular cooperation platform Nordic Circular Hotspot.

Á heimasíðu Nordic Circular Hotspot má nálgast upplýsingar um fjölbreytta viðburði sem samtökin standa fyrir. Vorið 2021 opnuðu samtökin fyrir rafrænan gangagrunn og tengslanet, Nordic Circular Arena, þar sem áhugasemir geta nálgast fræðslu um norræna hringrás og tengst aðilum sem eru á sömu vegferð.

Mælum hér með nokkrum örstuttum myndböndum sem útskýra hvað er átt við þegar við tölum um hringrásarhagkerfið:

The butterfly model - how does the circular economy work? (Icelandic) How society can re-think progress? / How do we rethink production and consumption? The Circular Economy: A Simple Explanation (TedX)

Toolkit – implementation and strategy

Víðtækt norrænt samstarfsverkefni, CIRCit, þróaði verkfærakistu fyrir norræn fyrirtæki til að greiða þeim leið að hringrás í rekstri. Hér má nálgast þessa verkfæra kistu en hún samanstendur af vinnubókum og stefnumótunarskjölum sem skiptast í sex ólíka þætti.

The circular economy and the construction industry

Green building has compiled interesting material about the circular economy and the construction industry, which can be accessed here.

Grænni has also published a detailed brochure on the subject in collaboration with the Civil Engineering Foundation, which can be accessed here.

We recommend these circular economy guides and resources:

Verkfærakista CIRCit - innleiðing hringrásar í rekstur How do we design in a cycle? Circular Design Guide Cycles and Biodiversity - A Handbook from The Ellen MacArthur Foundation Circular economy business models for the manufacturing industry - SITRA Finland Circular business models - strategic planning Financing the circular economy - Leiðarvísir Fræðslurit unnið af MPM nemum við Háskólann í Reykjavík (2020) Nordic Circular Hotspot

At the beginning of 2021, Nordic Innovation published a detailed manual on the implementation of the circular economy - The Nordic Circular Economy Playbook. The manual is in English and is accompanied by detailed instructional videos.

“Do you want to drive circular change for your business? This playbook and supporting tools will provide you with in-depth understanding on how to achieve circular advantage for your company and business.

The Nordic Circular Economy Playbook can be leveraged by companies that want to better meet customer expectations and deliver customer outcomes. It is for you that wants to enable outcome-oriented solutions and new levels of efficiency through technology and digitalization. It will help you improve resource utilization and mitigate risk from regulatory, investor and societal pressures.”

Nordic Circular Economy Playbook Kennslumyndbönd sem fylgja handbókinni
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