Has your company established itself?



Fyr­ir­tæki geta dreg­ið úr los­un sinni á gróð­ur­húsaloft­teg­und­um (GHL) og tek­ið þannig þátt í bar­átt­unni við lofts­lags­breyt­ing­ar. Að­gerð­ir fyr­ir­tækja í lofts­lags­mál­um skipta sköp­um og án þeirra er ólík­legt að þjóð­ir heims geti stað­ið við Par­ís­arsátt­mál­ann eða að Ís­land nái mark­miði sínu um að verða kol­efn­is­hlut­laust fyr­ir ár­ið 2040.

Climate declaration of Festa and the City of Reykjavík

In November 2015, over one hundred CEOs of companies and organizations signed a declaration to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). This was a big milestone and it was gratifying how well the participation was, as the project attracted attention at the international level and was presented at the Paris Climate Conference (COP21) at the end of 2015.

The statement is called the Festa and Reykjavík City Climate Statement, but Festa and the City of Reykjavík have supported the companies to work systematically on their climate issues. In 2019, Festa also started a partnership with Akureyrarbær, and in February 2020, Sveitarfélagið Hornafjörður joined. In both places, there were 20 companies and institutions that signed.

The products of this work are a knowledge community, a common methodology and Festa's Climate Meter (based on international standards) that companies can use to analyze their emissions and set targets.

To make it easier for companies to keep track of their emissions of greenhouse gases, Festa's Climate Meter can be used. There are standardized criteria and templates put together by a group of experts organized by Festa to facilitate measurements and target setting for greenhouse gas emissions.

Climate declaration of Festa and the City of Reykjavík


Staða loftslagsmála

Yfirlýsing um loftslagsmál

167 companies have signed

The climate statement of Festa and Reykjavík, Festa and Akureyri and Festa and Hornafjörður Municipality is a declaration by companies and organizations to be jointly responsible.

Skýrsla um stöðu loftslagsmála 2017

Climate criteria, slides


Festa's climate meter makes measurement and target setting of GHL and waste emissions easier. It contains instructions, calculators, coefficients and input fields. Festa's climate meter is designed so that the companies can keep track of their work in this field. It is available both in an excel document and in a web version, see the button below. The meter comes with a detailed instructional video and testimonials from companies that have already started their journey.

Vefræn útgáfa mælisins býður upp á þann möguleika að fá niðurstöður mælinga í skýrslu formi og skipulagt eftir umfangi 1,2 og 3.

Festa gerði samstarfssamning við EFLU verkfræðistofu árið 2020 sem felur í sér mikilvægt framlag sérfræðinga hjá Eflu við að uppfæra Loftslagsmælir Festu í excel og vefútgáfu, skv. árlegum uppfærslum sérfræðingahópsins sem heldur utan um mælikvarðana og uppfærir þá árlega. Framlag Eflu skiptir lítil félagsamtök eins og Festu miklu máli og við kunnum þeim okkar bestu þakkir.

Festa and the City of Reykjavík's expert group on Climate Measurements includes, in addition to Festa's representatives, the following people:

Eva Yngvadóttir, consultant at EFLU - Sigurpáll Ingibergsson, quality manager of Vínbúðarinn/ÁTVR - Snorri Jökull Egilsson, expert at Orkuveita Reykjavíkur - Marta Rós Karlsdóttir, director of Auðlinda, ON - Þórhildur Ósk Halldórsdóttir, expert at the City of Reykjavík - Hrönn Hrafnsdóttir, project manager of strategy and development at the City of Reykjavík - Sigurður Ingi Friðleifsson, managing director of Orkusetur, also from Vistorka in Akureyri - Rafn Helgason, expert at the Environment Agency - Sigríður Einarsdóttir, expert at the Environment Agency

Climatometer - excel document (updated Nov. 2022) Loftslagsmælir - vefræn útgáfa

Educational material on climate action – produced by Festa for a grant from the Climate Fund:

Kennslu­mynd­band þar sem Sæv­ar Helgi Braga­son leið­ir þig skref fyr­ir skref í gegn­um notk­un á Lofts­lags­mæli Festu. Hvaða gögn þarftu að hafa til að mæla þitt kol­efn­is­spor og hvar nálg­ast þú þau?

Af hverju er mik­il­vægt að draga úr og mæla kol­efn­is­spor frá rekstri og hvar byrj­um við? Fræðslu­mynd­band þar sem Festa fékk til liðs við sig sér­fræð­inga frá fimm ólík­um að­ild­ar­fé­lög­um sín­um sem lýsa í ör­fá­um orð­um sinni veg­ferð þeg­ar kem­ur að því að setja sér stefnu í lofts­lags­mál­um og mæla kol­efn­is­spor frá rekstri.

Hand­bók fyr­ir smærri fyr­ir­tæki – Stefnu­mót­un í lofts­lags­mál­um og mæl­ing­ar á kol­efn­is­spori. Hvar byrj­ar þú þína veg­ferð og hvernig trygg­ir þú að að­gerð­ir séu mark­viss­ar og skili ár­angri. Hnit­mið­uð hand­bók sem er af­ar ein­föld í notk­un.

All the data of the educational package and access to Festa's climate meter are open to everyone and free of charge.

Climate criteria

Apples must be apples in climate matters. Therefore, we use the same criteria for the release of GHL and waste so that the results of the companies could be compared and an overall overview could be obtained. International standards are used in this field so that Icelandic companies can compare themselves with each other and with companies around the world.

Staða loftslagsmála

In 2017, Festa conducted a study on the status of companies' climate goals and published an overview of what each company is doing in that area. The report and main findings can be read here.

Skýrsla um stöðu loftslagsmarkmiða

Statement of

climate issues

Fyrirtækjum og stofnunum býðst að skrifa undir Loftslagsyfirlýsingu Festu og Reykjavíkurborgar/Akureyrarbæjar/Hornafjarðar. Þar eru sett fram þrjú skýr og mælanleg markmið sem fyrirtækin vinna að.

Við undirrituð ætlum að draga úr losun gróðurhúsalofttegunda og lágmarka neikvæð umhverfisáhrif með markvissum aðgerðum.

The nations of the world are now facing the consequences of catastrophic global warming. The United Nations plays a leading role in identifying the problem, dealing with it and adapting to changing circumstances. Many of the world's largest and most influential companies have joined the group. Join us.

Cities and towns, along with businesses of all sizes, are becoming increasingly important when it comes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and meeting their emission targets.

In Iceland, the main challenge is polluting transport and waste disposal. We intend to show social responsibility in action by:

  1. Draga úr losun gróðurhúsalofttegunda
  2. Minnka myndun úrgangs
  3. Mæla árangurinn og gefa reglulega út upplýsingar um stöðu ofangreindra þátta

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